
Assala transparently publishes our approach to ESG considerations in our annual ESG report.
Since 2019, we have presented our ESG journey, and strengthened our reporting on a yearly basis, to ensure we give a transversal view of our operations, as well as meet our various stakeholders’ expectations.
In our ESG reporting, Assala aims to provide transparent, useful information on many aspects
of our business.
Our reports are available here.
Since 2022, Assala’s scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data, flaring data, and selected safety performance metrics have been independently assured by Deloitte LLP in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (“ISAE 3000”) and Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements (“ISAE 3410”) issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards board (“IAASB”).
Assured data are available here and in Assala’s 2023 ESG report.
Assured data are available in our 2022 ESG report.
To ensure transparent reporting, Assala adheres to various international reporting standards and frameworks to support with robust, comparable ESG reporting. We benchmark our reporting against industry best practice.
We undertake regular audits of our activities, including our Environmental Social Action Plan (ESAP) with reference to the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standards, as well as our Environmental Management System, verifying that it meets ISO 14001 standards. The results of these key audits are disclosed annually in our ESG reports.

Assala reports in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards in our ESG reports (since 2022).
Review our 2023 GRI index below.
Review our 2023 Statement on Materiality here:
As a responsible operator, striving to ensure value from our activities, we consider where we can make the most impactful contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). These contributions are explored in our ESG publications.
See also our GRI index, where we have mapped references to the UN SDGs in our reporting.

Review our 2023 basis of reporting here:
Review our 2023 GHG emissions breakdown here:
Assala’s core Values are embedded in our approach to tax governance, compliance and tax risk management.
Assala publishes our group-level taxes and payments to governments in our annual ESG reporting.
Discover our Tax strategy here:
For key definitions, consult our glossary of terms and abbreviations here:

Assala Energy has been recognised as one of the top-performing companies in the 2024 Morningstar Sustainalytics Top-Rated ESG Companies List.
In June 2023, the company achieved a milestone, earning a Medium risk of experiencing financial impacts from ESG factors, with a score of 27.3. This notable score places us in the top 6%* of all oil and gas producers evaluated by Morningstar Sustainalytics.
*Correct at the time of publication.
Assala are members of the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) and benchmark certain performance metrics against IOGP annual averages.

We are active members of Ipieca (the global oil and gas association for advancing environmental and social performance across the energy transition). Our ESG contributors take part in working groups as an opportunity to share and exchange on industry best practice.
Ipieca’s sustainability reporting guidance informs the way we report on ESG issues.